Why It Pays To Choose A Network Dentist

Need a Dentist?
Delta Dental has the largest network of dentists nationwide. Find the one that’s right for you.

Want to save money and receive great dental care? Let’s look at how a dentist in the Delta Dental network may be the answer.
A healthy mouth is an important part of a child's wellness. We've got the 4-1-1 to set up your child for a lifetime of healthy smiles!
Your food choices play an important role in preventing dental disease. Check out some of our favorite mouth-healthy recipes!
What good is dental insurance if you don't know how to use it? Get tips on using and understanding your dental plan.

Let's Connect!
Calling with questions about our group plans? We're available Monday through Thursday 7:30 A.M. - 5 P.M. and Friday 7:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. (MST).
Have questions about our individual plans? Our individual product unit is available Monday through Friday 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. (MST).
Mailing Address
14850 N Scottsdale Rd., Ste 400
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Street Address
14850 N Scottsdale Rd., Ste 400
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Claims Address
Delta Dental of Arizona
Attn: Claims Department
P.0. Box 9092
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9092
Group Plans
Customer Service
602.938.3131 | Toll-free: 800.352.6132
TTY/TDD users may call 711
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Dentist Direct Line
602.588.3982 | Toll-free: 866.746.1834
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Broker Hotline
602.588.3606 | Toll-free: 888.651.3080
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Individual Plans
Customer Service
Toll-free: 800.894.2961
TTY/TDD users may call 711
Sales & Enrollment
Toll-free: 800.894.2701
Broker Hotline
Toll-free: 800.894.1529
Note: Visit smilepoweraz.com to get a quote and enroll online.
Patient Direct Discount Plans
Customer Service
Toll-free: 866.327.0032
TTY/TDD users may call 711
Sales & Enrollment
Toll-free: 866.327.0041
Note: Visit smilepoweraz.com/discountcard to get a quote and enroll online.
Medicare Advantage Plans
Devoted Health Care Plans
Administered by Delta Dental Insurance Company
Toll-free: 855.251.9742
Visit member website | Sign into Provider Tools
One & SunTM
Customer Service
Toll-free: 866.372.6841
TTY/TDD users may call 711
Note: Visit oneandsun.com for fulfillment information.
DDAZ Foundation
Barb Kozuh
Executive Director
602.588.3935 | Send email
Espie Jauregui-Echeveste
Grants Coordinator
602.588.3915 | Send email
Julie Roorda
Supply Donation Program Coordinator
602.588.3980 | Send email
Media Relations
HMA Public Relations (News media requests only)
Alison Bailin, 602.318.3775
Abbie S. Fink, 602.903.8502
Tiffany Di Giacinto
Senior Director of Brand and Product
602.588.3934 | Send email